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Preparation Videos
Virginia Colonoscopy
Preparation Videos
Please feel free to watch our preparation videos to ensure that you'll have the best cleanout possible for your procedure as well as to get an insight into what the procedure will be like. If you have any questions regarding your prep, or the procedure, please feel free to contact us by phone at (757) 412-4919 or via email at info@chcponline.com.
What's involved in a colonoscopy? What are we looking for? How should you prepare for the procedure? Our preparation videos should give you all of the information you need to prepare for your screening. You're taking care of your health. Preventative care is the best approach.
We're here to answer your questions and to educate you about your procedure. These preparation videos are produced to be informative, and they should ease any concerns you might have. We are proud to be among the most experienced practitioners in the region, with thousands of procedures performed over decades of serving the community.
SUTAB Prep Video
SUTAB is an abbreviation for the sodium sulfate, magnesium sulfate, and potassium chloride tablets you'll use when prepping for your colonoscopy. This osmatic laxative is efficient, and typically easy for your body to handle.
What is a colonoscopy and what's involved?
A Colonoscopy is a specialized examination of the large bowel done with a thin, flexible electronic camera (colonoscope). The purpose of a colonoscopy is to detect polyps or other findings in the colon. Colonoscopy is considered to be the best and most accurate way to detect and prevent colon cancer.
At the Center for Health & Cancer Prevention, colonoscopy is done under a light anesthesia administered by a Certified Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA). This makes the procedure painless, and virtually all patients awake from the procedure without any memory of the colonoscopy.
A colonoscopy in our office takes an average of about 10 minutes.
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OR CALL: (757) 412-4919